Monday, August 9, 2010

Hens or roosters?

Hens or roosters?

Hard to tell, right? Well, let me tell you: those are ROOSTERS. That's right, COCK-A-DOODLE-DOODLING roosters. We thought all was going well in our backyard chicken experiment until those guys started making more and more and more noise. By the time we got back from our two-week southern sojourn to visit family, the neighbors let us know very clearly that we, in fact, had roosters that were waking up at dawn to let the whole neighborhood know it was time to get up.

So what to do? To make a long (and funny to us at this point, but not a few weeks ago while it was all happening) story short, we took the roosters back to the store where we had bought them and exchanged them for six week-old hens (the store is SURE this time that they are, in fact, hens). Has anyone ever tried to wrangle a full-grown and MAD rooster into a cardboard box? How about three of them?

So now we have to wait a couple more months for eggs, but, as you can see from these photos, Lucia is enjoying our new backyard friends.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Well, folks, around here we either leave you with months and months of dry spell or we decide to bring in the big guns and hit you with posts upon posts upon posts. Welcome back! Since we are inundating you, we're going all out. Straight from the i-phone of our friend Kristina, here is Lu checking out the big bean (officially the "Cloud Gate" sculpture in Millenium park):

And playing with Aubrey in the most awesome city disovery we have made this summer so far - the FREE family fun tent downtown (music, blocks, books, coloring, hula hoops - ALL summer long. yes, we've been twice in the past 9 days!):
And lastly, while I'm at work earning big fat dollars, Lucy is at Aubrey's house (where she apparently had an epic meltdown, thus the binky that is usually reserved solely for bedtime/cartime). Lu and Aub look so intellectual!

Summer fun, part III

For the first two installments of summer fun, click on down the page... One more thing that Lucia loves - singing and dancing! Click on the picture below for a video:

From My Pictures

Summer fun, part II

Things Lucia loves:

Stomping in puddles...



... and cake batter!

Summer fun, part I

Hi all,

Sorry it's been so long since our last post! We have been having lots of adventures lately - trips to see family in Atlanta and South Carolina, festivals and museums and parks in Chicago, and fun in the sandbox, pool and garden in the backyard... Here are some recent photos - and another couple updates should be coming today too.

At the zoo in Atlanta:

Helping Grammy water the plants:

Swimming with Gramps:

At the park with Mom:

Eating animal crackers with Great Grandmama: