Monday, August 2, 2010


Well, folks, around here we either leave you with months and months of dry spell or we decide to bring in the big guns and hit you with posts upon posts upon posts. Welcome back! Since we are inundating you, we're going all out. Straight from the i-phone of our friend Kristina, here is Lu checking out the big bean (officially the "Cloud Gate" sculpture in Millenium park):

And playing with Aubrey in the most awesome city disovery we have made this summer so far - the FREE family fun tent downtown (music, blocks, books, coloring, hula hoops - ALL summer long. yes, we've been twice in the past 9 days!):
And lastly, while I'm at work earning big fat dollars, Lucy is at Aubrey's house (where she apparently had an epic meltdown, thus the binky that is usually reserved solely for bedtime/cartime). Lu and Aub look so intellectual!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

lucia has hair. that is in a ponytail. unreal.