Thursday, February 19, 2009

The lament of the delinquent blogger

Seems like I get a D minus in blog posting as of late. Things are crazy around the homefront what with reflux babies and home buying extravaganzas! But the bottom line is we have lots of recent pics that need adding, so keep your eyes peeled for a flurry of epic cuteness and I'll catch everyone up to 5 month antics. Also, tomorrow is Lucy's first ever half-birthday! Perhaps we'll give her half a bit of applesauce to commemorate the occasion?

Ok, bring on the pics!

jailbird...(she won't actually SLEEP in her crib, but she sure thinks it's a fun place to play!)

toe jam. mmmmmmm...
the ever-infectious Lucia smile...

and a few of her neverendingly ridiculous baby faces:

1. So dubious of mom's games -

2. happy naked bed baby!

3. for which there are no words:
4. i guess i'll smile for dad's camera

1 comment:

Emily Hazelwood said...

i love when she makes the face like she does in the #1 picture. That face is so full of personality!