Monday, March 16, 2009

sitting and swinging

Munchkin central is officially over 6 months old! She is sitting up like a champion and can mostly hold her balance... except when she sees something far away that she wants. In which cases, she reaches, reaches, reaches a bit more... and face plants. But she's enjoying toys which are a little more complicated (blocks, nesting cups, stackables, etc), and her all time fave, cereal boxes and crinkled up paper. Oh, and the shrieking, have we mentioned the shrieking? Her new favorite excited noise... and not a cute, short shriek, but more like shriek "sessions" if you will. We have some evidence on video that I'll post at some point. For now, though, enjoy the new pictures of her showing off her sitting skills. You can also see that the weather is FINALLY turning more spring-like up here so we've had a few park expeditions at which Lucy has discovered her love of swings. And sunshine. And other children. Hooray!


Swinging at Harrison Park... still a bit nippy, but we didn't mind!

Not only can I sit up, but I can hold things while doing it! What coordination.


traveling linguist said...

your little munchkin is adorable. i can't wait to see her (and you of course) when i get home!

The Russells said...

She is such a cutie! Loved seeing the new pics! Mary Beth